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The More You Share, The More Folk Care!

08 September 2023

Good Causes Unite to Boost Impact: A How-To Guide on Sharing Your Lottery Webpage

In a heartwarming display of solidarity, good causes from around Hertsmere are coming together to supercharge their efforts and amplify their impact. The secret to their success? A simple yet powerful act of sharing.

Sharing your lottery webpage is a breeze! In just a few clicks, you can spread the word and drive support for your cause. Watch our comprehensive how-to video to learn the ropes:

Log in and 'share'

Whether you're a local charity striving to make a difference in your community or a community group tackling ongoing financial challenges, the message remains the same: Sharing your lottery webpage is the key to expanding your reach and driving ticket sales for your cause.

Why Sharing Matters

  1. Wider Reach: Every share opens doors to new supporters. Your cause's lottery webpage can now reach friends, family, and a global network of potential backers.
  2. Personal Connection: Sharing your own page adds a personal touch to your fundraising efforts, making it more relatable and engaging for your audience.
  3. Boosted Ticket Sales: The more eyes on your lottery webpage, the higher your chances of ticket sales. It's a simple equation: More shares = More tickets sold.

It's as Easy as 1-2-3

Start Making an Impact Today

Log in to your dashboard, find the "Share" button and let the world know about your cause. Every share counts, and together, we can create lasting change.

Join the movement today and watch the impact grow as we unite to make Hertsmere the best place—one share at a time.

Share the Love. Share the Cause.

Log in and 'share'



Our causes are on track to raise £10,389.60 this year

9.38% Complete

333 tickets of our 3,550 ticket goal

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Our causes are on track to raise £10,389.60 this year

9.38% Complete

333 tickets of our 3,550 ticket goal